
SKU: 0982-P100

Item Details

Nature’s sweet secret. Used in Japan since the 1970s when the safety of artificial sweeteners came into question. Stevia extracts are 200-300 times sweeter than sugar, calorie-free, and all natural. The FDA has approved its use as a dietary supplement.

  • Conventional
  • Grown as an annual
  • Plants grow to 3 feet tall
  • Long, thin green leaves
  • Leaves have a sweet flavor

SSE's current stock of the Stevia tested at a 41% germination rate. This is below the federal germination rate standard and has been over-packed by 100% of the stated quantity.

Growing Instructions

Instructions - Sow seeds indoors on surface of soil. Keep indoors until nighttime temperatures are consistently above 50°F. May then be transplanted outdoors or into pots. Prefers well-drained soil—do not overwater. Can be grown year round in pots if given proper care.

  • Start Indoors: 8-12 weeks before last frost
  • Germination: 7-21 Days
  • Plant Outdoors: 8-12” Apart
  • Light: Sun/Partial Shade

Ratings & Reviews

2 reviews

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Some life!


Package says 100 seeds. I planted all, only Ten sprouted. (still in their preemie stage) Planted seeds on 08-13-20. I think I saw a little life around the 16th day or 17th. day. it is now 0/19/20. Now trying to get them to grow tall and strong is the next step. Disappointed that out of 100 seeds ??? only ten sprouted. I have never had success in growing stevia seeds... Wish me well!

Excellent Herb!


Wanted to try some stevia to get a homegrown sweetener. The packet had way more seed than any other companies. I planted about 4-5 seeds in 6 pots, started them indoors under lights & I think every single seed must have sprouted, more than I needed so I shared with the neighbors. Plants grew well all summer & I snipped them back to make extract (which worked amazingly well). Then I let them flower, small insignificant flowers that no pollinators seemed to like. They didn't set any seeds though, but I still have plenty left in the packet to plant again this year.